Humans in the face of climate and new living conditions
Going to understand the climates of our future where they already exist…
Deep Climate is a triptych of exceptional expeditions to understand our abilities in the face of new climates, present and future, and changing living conditions.
For the first time, a group of 20 men and women will be confronted with several types of extreme climates that are representative of our future. These novices, led by the explorer-researcher Christian Clot, will cross equatorial rainforests, arid deserts and polar environments for three 40-day periods.
They will conduct multidisciplinary physiological and cognitive studies on the impacts of these different climates on humans and our capacity to adapt, with research protocols conducted by some forty researchers.
After Deep Time to understand our relationship with time, this new expedition of the Human Adaptation Institute will enable us to understand our relationship with the climate.
Christian Clot, explorer-researcher, designer and director of Deep Climate
Our future is a challenge. Our living conditions are changing and will be increasingly transformed by climate and environmental change, global geopolitics and the social realities that flow from them.
Whatever our capacity to reduce our emissions and pollution – and unfortunately it is still far too low – there are three certainties: we will have to live in more restrictive, hot, humid and changeable climates; uncertainty will become a constant; the risks for living beings and for human health, both physical and mental, are significant.
More than ever we need to act and implement proven solutions to give hope to the future. But to do this we must also understand! This is what we are doing with Deep Climate.
Our future is a challenge and it is with an incredible challenge that we begin to respond. Understanding human adaptability and climate resilience can provide solutions to reduce human health risks, improve support for vulnerable populations and show the importance of reducing our emissions and pollution to reduce future disruption.
Three destinations, three types of so-called “extreme” climates, which already exist on our planet in areas that are often sparsely inhabited, but which will become, over the coming years, the daily life of more and more people… including in France.